Obituary Rüdiger Czeczinski

Tags: VMM Beirat| Rüdiger Czeczinski| Obituary| Nachruf


It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to our advisory board member Rüdiger Czeczinski, who passed away on May 30, 2024, at the age of 67.

Rüdiger Czeczinski began his professional career in the early 1980s at the advertising center of the former Karstadt headquarters in Essen. He was known for his extraordinary conscientiousness and reliability, which enabled him to have a remarkable career in the company. His calm and thoughtful nature, as well as his high regard for his personal environment, set him apart.

We remember with great gratitude the many valuable, constructive, and goal-oriented encounters with Rüdiger, which were always characterized by his tireless commitment to visual marketing. He selflessly used his skills and talents to constantly “open doors” for the Visual Marketing Association (VMM) and to support us actively.

Rüdiger was not only a highly respected colleague, but also a true friend to many of us, whose humility and integrity we greatly appreciated.

With his passing, we lose an exceptional individual whose dedication and friendship we will greatly miss. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time.