VMM | Europäischer Verband Visuelles Marketing/Merchandising e. V.
Wilhelmstraße 23
73433 Aalen, Germany
T +49 7361-911 319
Please find the contact details of the board of directors & advisory board in the link below:
Register of associations at the district court Ulm: VR 720 446
UST-ID: DE144631257
Do you have questions about our offers or problems with the processing?
Then you are welcome to contact us by e-mail at info@vmm.eu
By phone we are always available for you on Tuesdays & Thursdays under our hotline: +49 7361 911 319.
You can request the bylaws at info@vmm.eu and they will be mailed or emailed to you.
With pleasure: info@vmm.eu
Just send a short mail with name and address to: info@vmm.eu
Just send a short mail with your name and the old and new address to: info@vmm.eu