After our great exchange in April, it is long time for a second meeting of the VMM Regional Group HH | SH. The meeting will take place in Hamburg with VMM Ambassador Nicole Cooper. The idea is to meet in the city centre of Hamburg for a little window shopping, to look at some great Christmas windows together and then to go to a restaurant for further exchange.
Casual getting to know each other
Nice professional exchange
VMM info
Jungfernstieg Alsterhaus
Jungfernstieg 16-20
20354 Hamburg
On 11.11.2022
At 6 pm
Regarding the exact planning, please let me know by 2nd of November at the latest whether you will be attending or not. You are very welcome to bring other interested people from the industry with you. Please register so that a suitable restaurant can be found and a table reserved. If anyone has a good idea where we can get together in the city centre in a cosy atmosphere, please let us know!
Registration to
Be there and come to our meeting.